Royal Wedding Advice: Johannesburg

Winkball citizen video reporter James signs in

Winkball citizen video reporter James signs in

James asks the Johannesburg general public for what they think makes a successful marriage or relationship, the do's and don'ts and if they have a message for the Royal couple.

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Royal Wedding Advice: Johannesburg

Event Date: 04/04/2011

With the UK’s wedding of the year happening at the end of April between Prince William and lovely Kate Middleton, Winkball citizen video reporters asked the general public if they had any marital advice for the young Royal couple. Winkball reporters Laurraine, Tshepang, James and Angus asked the public for the do’s/don’ts in a relationship, what is the secret to a happy marriage/relationship and if they had message for the young couple. What is your advice for the Royal couple? Upload it to this wall: