Kylie Minogue live at the MEN Arena

WinkBall citizen video reporter, Alex Janesweski

WinkBall citizen video reporter, Alex Janesweski

Alex was at the Manchester Evening News arena to speak to fans before and after the Kylie Minogue concert.

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Kylie Minogue live at the MEN Arena

Event Date: 06/04/2011

WinkBall citizen video reporters were at the Manchester Evening News Arena on Tuesday 5 April 2011 to see Kylie Minogue's Aphrodite tour. The tour is currently entertaining tens of thousands of fans across the UK and is receiving some of the best reviews of Kylie’s career - and Manchester's audience were not disappointed! They were delighted to be seeing a woman who has been such an inspiration to people all over the world, following her rise from Australian soapstar, to international popstar. What are your views on Kylie? Record a wink online now.