Matthew Street Festival - The Fab Four Family Stage

WinkBall Citizen Video Reporter, Emma

WinkBall Citizen Video Reporter, Emma

Emma is down at the Albert Dock for the second day of the Fab Four Family Stage Event.

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Matthew Street Festival - The Fab Four Family Stage

Event Date: 29/08/2011

It’s the last bank holiday of the year and an important date in the city of Liverpool’s calendar with Europe’s largest free music festival Matthew Street. Now in its 19th year the festival takes over the city centre, with 5 stages in various locations and musicians from over 30 countries including Argentina, Brazil, Norway, Germany and the USA and attracting over 100,000 visitors to our great musical city. On top of all this The Albert Dock houses the Fab Four Family Stage celebrating the music of Liverpool’s greatest musical exports The Beatles in the auspicious setting of Salthouse Dock. Monday 29th August 2011 saw WinkBall reporters Tom and Emma join the crowds at a wet and windy Albert Dock to join in the fun and find out just what is it about the music of The Beatles that makes them such an enduring legacy. Were you down at the Dock today? Press record and let us know, here at