MPs, Lords, Ministers and Party Luminaries

Rt Hon Alistair Carmichael MP

Rt Hon Alistair Carmichael MP

Liberal Democrat MP for Orkney and Shetland and Deputy Chief Whip to the House of Commons

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MPs, Lords, Ministers and Party Luminaries

Event Date: 10/10/2011

This political season, has covered all four of the main political parties at each of their respective conferences. Speaking to MPs, Lords, Ministers and members of the public, WinkBall have found out what they believe to be the key issues that dominate the UK political scene. Asking them what they think are the core values of their party, the three key issues that face the country and the issue of the Green economy, WinkBall have created a unique video portrait of UK politics. In its coverage, WinkBall has speaken to over 150 MPs, Lords and Ministers from all four of the main political parties. Liam Byrne, Andy Burnham, Lord Kinnock, Iain Duncan Smith, Ken Clarke, Lord Ashdown and Baroness Williams are just some of the key party delegates to have spoken to WinkBall. Take a look here at the many political interviews that WinkBall have conducted in this the party conference season.